Joseph Spanarkel

Kaune's Prepared Food Maestro

1 Question

What’s your day like at Kaune’s?

I come in at 7:00 and get started right away with the wraps and sandwiches. Once I’m done with those, I wash dishes in the afternoon till 1:00. Then I start cutting the meat.

I’ve been an opener for ten years. I’m the only one that does the sandwiches when I’m here. I’m in charge of ordering the meat, cutting the meat, getting the cheese ready, ordering the bread.

Tomorrow I’ve got two special orders, so I’ve got to order bread. I’m always one step ahead. I’ve made, believe it or not, about 400,000 sandwiches and wraps. I never make the same amount. I had two sandwiches left from yesterday, so today I cut down a little bit. I’d rather make 20 sandwiches than waste one.

It’s not mine to waste.

The pandemic was crazy for us. We used to have two or three deliveries a day. During that time, we were doing 200, 300. I would help with the meat, and while I was back there, I didn’t want to stand around. Danny taught me how to trim a tenderloin, how to do the rack of lamb. I’m not just gonna stand around when these guys are busy. I see somebody at the counter, I go and help. Every day, all day, I’m helping.

Except for the chopped salad. I had my back fused in five different places, and there are some things that I can’t do. The chopped salad, I just can’t do it.

Years ago, I got hit by a truck on a mountain bike. I don’t retain a lot of stuff – I have to read and I have to write. I have notes in my pocket every day. It’s routine.

I’ve eaten at Tomasita’s since I was 14. I’m going to be 60 next month, and I’ve only had one thing there. Ground beef and bean burrito, Christmas with a glass of root beer.

I’m a creature of habit.



Photo SFM
